
Showing posts with the label mutation testing

The Hunt for the Unfindable: Unveiling Software's Stealthy Bugs

  The world of software development is a constant battle against errors. We meticulously craft lines of code, deploy rigorous testing procedures, yet bugs – those pesky glitches and malfunctions – still manage to slip through the cracks. But what about the bugs that never show up, the ones lurking in the shadows, forever undetected? These are the "unfindable bugs," the ghosts in the software machine. The unfindable bug is a hypothetical entity, a bug that by its very nature evades conventional testing methods. It could be a result of limitations in our tools, a blind spot in our testing strategies, or an edge case so obscure it remains hidden. The existence of these unfindable bugs raises a critical question: are we truly testing the entirety of our software, or are we simply searching for the problems we already know how to find? Examples of the Unfindable: Timing-Dependent Bugs: Imagine a bug that only manifests under a specific sequence of events, separated by unpredictab